You might be in the process of researching a solution for yourself, a loved one or in the case of an occupational therapist (OT), your client. Unless you’ve seen the likes of Showerbuddy already, it’s easy to assume that a full bathroom conversion is required to cater to additional mobility support. The reality is far from the truth. In fact, the alternative – a standalone transfer system – is typically a much better solution for many reasons. In this article, we’ve pulled out just 5 reasons why a bathroom transfer solution is a better idea than totally remodelling the bathroom.
1. A remodel or fit out is prohibitively expensive
Remodelling a bathroom is almost always a big undertaking. From the demolition of existing fixtures and units, to preparation and installation of special mobility supports, the whole process can easily require tens of thousands of dollars to afford. Beyond this, a remodelling process is not a quick job; each stage needs to be done correctly to guarantee a waterproof, fully functional bathroom.

When special mobility equipment is permanently installed, there will be some damage to the tiling, walls, and possibly existing units in order to accommodate everything. So beyond the cost of the permanent mobility equipment (hoists, bars etc), expect to have to pay for new tiling, wiring, plastering, wallpapering – the list goes on.
If you’re like many of us, a remodel of the bathroom isn’t something we can just go for on a whim – the costs involved can be a barrier to going ahead.
On the other hand, the Showerbuddy system is significantly cheaper than even a modest bathroom remodel, and in many parts of the globe can be accessed through a funding programme. We suggest getting in touch with your nearest distributor for more information about this.
2. Remodelling is sometimes simply not an option
Outside of the costs involved, a remodel might be a total non-starter due to other factors. A common challenge we talk to clients about is when individuals are renting a home. Someone renting isn’t typically able to arrange destructive work to a property – some landlords are nervous about hanging picture hooks, let alone a total bathroom conversion. You might otherwise be satisfied with your rental property, but restricted in terms of the bathroom.
This is worth considering as many individuals requiring bathroom mobility assistance may do so as the result of an injury – meaning their home they previously navigated around in was fit for purpose until sustaining this injury. When rehabilitating an injury, the last thing you should have to think about is moving.
A fit out of an existing bathroom may also not be practical when the user only has one bathroom and no alternative (and appropriate) accommodation. A time-consuming remodel thus becomes impossible.
3. A standalone shower transfer system can be moved
When you go with a standalone shower transfer unit over a permanent support, you immediately have the flexibility of moving the system around. A solution like Showerbuddy’s transfer range, which consists of a chair, bridge and in-shower base, can be set up, installed within an hour. Once assembled, these components can be removed by a carer and reconfigured within the bathroom or even moved to another bathroom in the house. Try doing that with a remodeled bathroom solution.
On the topic of moving – the Showerbuddy’s chair-based approach to comfortable bathing, allows the user and their support person to transfer in and out of the shower, on and off the toilet, and out of the bathroom entirely – all without the user having to get off the chair once. This is huge when considering the amount of injuries sustained globally each year to carers and patients from lifting and moving accidents.
Even the most sophisticated, costly of permanent systems are unlikely to remove the need to disembark from the support to exit the bathroom. With Showerbuddy that’s easy.
4. The ability to evolve your showering solution easily
Sometimes the user’s needs will develop over time, including improvement in mobility through rehabilitation or increase in support needs with reduced mobility due to condition or age. It’s unrealistic to expect someone’s bathing support to stay the same forever. Another good example of this are children who need mobility support – as they grow and develop the support required will too.
If you have a permanent system in place, altering it may require additional remodelling or at the very least some significant equipment upgrades. Now this isn’t always the case, and some permanent solutions will make allowances for sizing changes. But the point remains; you’re required to take drastic remodelling steps to deliver functionality that’s accessible in a much better way – via a standalone transfer system from Showerbuddy.